That One Day When I Pondered Destiny

Destiny. One event leads to another and eventually what is meant for you finally takes place. Or is everything meant for you? Those decisions that seemed so terrible 20 years ago, all make sense now, because they helped form you into everything that makes you who you are. Those people in your life that meant you harm, were strategically placed to walk you into your destiny. The situations in your life that seemed hopeless at the time were all impeccably orchestrated to lead you to this place in your life. This place where you are situated to be part of someone else’s destiny.
It’s the circle of life. And it moves us all.
Yes. Thank you Elton John and Disney. The meaning of our lives can be summed up in this song from The Lion King. We were brought together, not by accident, but by a perfect master plan by the Divine. The Universe. An unseen Being, yet seen in every form of creation: the endless, yet limited oceans, the spinning earth, the splendid dance of the seasons, the supreme force of gravity that keeps us perfectly grounded.
When we look back on our lives, noting the pain, the loss, the celebrations and the gains, they all work together to bring us to the greatest points in our lives. The path is winding, curvy, high and low. But there is beauty. There is our destiny.

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