That One Day When Lack of Inspiration Inspired Me to Write

So I have decided to just write. My Aunt Mari has been telling me this forever: ‘Don’t wait to be inspired, just write.’ Today, I am doing just that. I always ask people to sign up to receive my blog through email, but then as I wait patiently for universe-inspired tidbits of wisdom, 6 months go by and I haven’t written anything. On paper, at least. I am constantly ‘writing’ in my head, but I rarely make the time to publish it.
Today, that changes. Today, I take the first steps into truly calling myself a writer. No more, ‘As soon as I find the time’, or ‘ I just don’t know what to write.’ My excuses have expired and I shall, from this day forward, vow to write an article every week.
At least once or twice a month.
No, every week.
Yes. Every week.
‘Sittin here in the chair. I get up and I walk over there.’ Those lines made Otis Redding famous. Who am I to hold back on what could possibly make me millions of dollars? Or, you know, just a household name among my friends and family.
Rockin’ in my rocking chair. I’m on my deck and I can feel the air. See? I’m on my way to stardom!
Well, that is all of my uninspired inspiration. Thank you for reading! See you next week!